Plans & Activities in 2021-2023

  • We coordinated the Discover Your Town's Age-Friendly Future conference in September 2023 at Bergen Community College that brought together 150 leaders from  municipalities, senior-serving nonprofit organizations and civic organizations with the purpose of inspiring more communities to pursue an age-friendly path.  Click here for details, photos and slides from the conference.
  • Hosted educational programs in 2022 and 2023 on zoom to provide older adults with the information they need to get the Medicare coverage that's right for them.
  • We formed the Hurricane Ida Recovery Team, a robust collaboration between the City, local nonprofit, civic and religious leaders, after the storm hit Englewood in September 2021.
  • The Ida Recovery Team raised  funds to purchase meals from local restaurants and distribute them to those impacted by Ida, including hundreds of older adults.
  • We arranged services (laundry, taxi) for the 150+ seniors who were evacuated from the senior housing building and relocated for several months at local hotels.
  • Directory of Services  - revised and published the third edition of a directory of services and resources available in Englewood and vicinity, including County, State and Federal resources. Englewood Health provided significant assistance with design and printing.
  • Second Sunday concerts at the Public Library – a series of free concerts at 5 PM on the second Sunday of each month, featuring known area musicians. 
  • Coalition for Racial Unity and Equity - we partnered with local leaders to address social justice in several online workshops and educational programs.
  • Benches on hills and sidewalks - Work with City Engineer and DPW to purchase and install benches to improve walkability into and out of the Central Business District.  Postponed due to Hurricane ida.
  • Intergenerational programs with Bergen Family Center – Englewood teens will develop and execute projects with clients in Bergen Family Center's Adult Day Care center; they will also help seniors with chores, technology, etc. On hold due to recovery from pandemic and Ida.
  • Community Garden with Englewood Housing Authority - Design and develop a community garden at the senior residence at 111 West Street. Postponed due to ravages of Hurricane Ida that destroyed the grounds.
  • Blood Pressure & Fitness Monitoring programs - Provided blood pressure kits in one program and fitness trackers in another to up to 30 older adult residents who completed 8 weeks of blood pressure monitor training or walking on a regular schedule through the Dept. of Health.
  • Older Americans Month Celebration - Sponsor “A Night of Doo-Wop and Rock & Roll” at BergenPAC to inspire and illustrate that older adults enjoy getting out, being active and having fun!. 
  • Public Art and Murals - Provided funding towards permit, design and execution of public art to bring diverse segments of Englewood together, and highlighting Black women of historical influence. Working with Women's Rights Information Center, Northern New Jersey Community Foundation and other community partners.
  • Senior Prom - Collaborated with Bergen Family Center to to host an exuberant Senior Prom (for older adults) in both 2022 and 2023 with a catered dinner provided by Chef Dion and DJ entertainment that had 100+ guests on their feet and dancing.
  • Hosted a Conversation of Your Life (COYL) to help older adults become familiar with important end-of-life tasks, having a will, durable power of attorney, and an advance directive so family, friends and health care providers carry out their express wishes.


Before the Pandemic, we hosted a breakfast for Englewood's clergy at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.  We discussed with them principal issues they see as facing older adults and brainstormed a number of solutions. All agreed it was time well spent and encouraged us to do it again (which we will!).


We celebrated Spring by helping to coordinate a festive Art Walk and All-Ages Dance Party in Depot Square.  Hundreds of people from in and near Englewood turned out, and we all had a great time!

We collaborated with the Englewood Health Dept in Summer 2021, providing a free fitness tracker to participants  in a rigorous walking program.

We hosted--with the Community Chest and Englewood Health -- a chef- prepared dinner for  60 seniors accompanied by a program on nutrition and cooking under a tight budget.

Latino Focus Group

Noches de Colombia was the site of our focus group with 19 Spanish-speaking older adults residents of Englewood. We learned that their concerns about aging-in-place here are similar to those expressed at other focus groups across the City: Housing is expensive, taxes are very high, and many rely on local newspapers to find out about activities.  As with other groups, many older adults don't use -- or want to use --  a computer. And, like many others, they LOVE living in Englewood!

Walkability Study


We asked residents to let us know of areas in town where pedestrian crossings were a concern.  Responses via email and Facebook outlined several locations. Click here to see the list which was submitted to the Mayor, City Council, City engineer, DPW, Police Chief and Captain.

   In the Spring several older residents and Age-Friendly Englewood Coalition partners participated in a "walkability" study, which was conducted by WSP Consulting and held at St. Paul's Church on Engle Street.

    Click here for the results of this study, which are being shared with Coalition partners and with appropriate agencies of City  government as well as with the Mayor and members of City Council.


Englewood Day last year was hot, hot, HOT but VERY fun!  Hundreds of residents came out to meet friends and sample food truck offerings, visit organization tents and enjoy a variety of activities.  Age-Friendly Englewood had a "Listening Post" where visitors expressed their best wishes for the City.  All comments were shared with the Mayor and Council

We hosted "Second Sunday" concerts at the Englewood Library on the 2nd Sunday of each month, except summer. All were well received and well attended!

Navigating a railroad crossing in a wheel-chair is a problem.

Poring over a map high-lighting congested areas in Englewood.

Summertime Ice Cream Social 

Come and enjoy ice cream with all the fixings!

Dance, play games, and get out and have fun with others.  Part of the Community Chest's "Connections" Initiative to combat isolation and loneliness.  Click here for details!

New Jersey Age-Friendly

Advisory Council

Janet Sharma, Coordinator of Age-Friendly Englewood since its founding in 2016, has been appointed by Governor Murphy to the New Jersey Age-Friendly Advisory Council (NJAFAC). Click here for more information.


"Healthy Eating" Dinner


Working with the Chamber of Commerce and Bergen Family Center, we stepped in to provide students from Dwight Morrow High School with one training on working with older adults and another on community asset mapping and community service. What a fantastic group of students!

Age-Friendly Englewood

Fitness Tracking Program with Health Dept. 

Pictured here are (from left) Joyce Dudley, consultant; Rabbi Charles Friedman, Englewood Hospital Chaplain; Rev. Richard Hong, First Presbyterian Church; Janet Sharma, Age-Friendly Englewood Coordinator, Sanetta Ponton, Metropolitan Church; Bishop Walter McKoy, Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic; Shelly Wimpfheimer, Community Chest; Rev. Elouise Hill-Challenger, Galilee United Methodist Church; Rev. Bill Allport, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church; Syed Zaidi, Mehfil-e-Shahe Khorasan; and Rabbi Chaim Poupko, Congregation Ahavath Torah. The first of what all hope are more get-togethers in the future.

Second Sunday Concerts